September 24, 2024
The month is almost over. It seems to have gone by so quickly. I am taking deep breaths right now. I am feeling the need to stop and take inventory of all the stuff on my mind today. As I slowly, right now-in real time, start making the list of stuff, on my mind, I am realizing that some of these things need to be released. Released, why? Because there is nothing I can, personally, do about some stuff. Some stuff is not OUR stuff, so it should not take up space in OUR minds. Another reason is that some of YOUR stuff cannot be handled by you alone. For me, that looks like, “Let Go, and Let God.” Now I have said it before, you don’t have to believe in my God, Jesus, Allah, Jehovah, Buddha, or whatever. I just know there is something bigger and more powerful than ANY human, and for me that’s God & Jesus. And so today, I’ve decided to breathe and Let Go, and therefore Let God. Sometimes releasing things can be scary, especially before a situation has been worked out, or before the problem has been solved. But I’m learning that releasing things is necessary for my mental and physical health. Worrying equals stress, and stress is my biggest enemy. So stress and worry are being eliminated, slowly but surely. And as worry and stress leave, peace & love flood in. And that feels so good.